Asphalt Consultancy
Our company has been involved for decades in road building projects in all over Europe. With this long experience and a well trained team of consultants, we guide all stages of road building projects.
Beside consultancy already in the stage of the design and tendering, we also offer quality control during the stage of mixing and paving of asphalt projects.
Our internal and external workflow is thereby embedded in a certified quality management system following EN ISO 9001.
Our portfolio covers
- standards
- workshops and seminars
- feasibility studies
- economical analysis
- quality management in asphalt constructions
- supervision
Design solutions for:
- heavy duty pavements
- race and test tracks
- airports
- bridge decks
- industrial areas
- park decks
We are members of the associations
- Confederation of German Construction Industry
- German Asphalt Association e. V. (DAV)
- Counseling for Gussasphaltanwendung e. V. (bga)
- Research Society for Road and Transport Association (FGSV)
Project participation
see “References“